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Active Presence in Risk Management Events

Written by The Protecht Group | 4 November 2015 1:00:00 PM

Protecht Supporting Industry Associations

The conference season is upon us and once again Protecht has shown its support of the risk and compliance profession through its participation at key industry association events in Australia, such as COBA, GRCI and RMIA Conferences. 

Our first event of the season was the Customer Owned Banking Association (COBA) Conference held in Darwin in mid-September. Protecht has had a long connection with the mutual banking sector, with a large number of COBA member organisations and their Boards being trained by David Tattam and many member credit unions and mutual banks using Protecht.ERM, Protecht.ALM and Protecht.CCRM for their enterprise, market and commercial credit risk management needs.

Representing Protecht at this event was David Bergmark, Ian Brooks and Selina Ivanovski . It was good to be able to meet with many of our mutual sector clients in Darwin as well as making new acquaintances.

During the last week of October, Protecht participated in the GRC Institute (GRCI) Conference held in Melbourne. The GRCI has been the key professional body for compliance and enterprise risk professionals across Australia, New Zealand and east Asia for many years and Protecht has provided enterprise risk management training to members as a training partner of the GRCI.

Additionally, Protecht’s CEO Alf Esteban has been a Board Director of the Institute for the past six years and just recently completed three years as their President.

The GRCI conference this year was focused on the role of risk and compliance professionals as change management agents within their organisations. Supporting this theme, David Tattam ran a well-attended seminar on Risk Management for Public Sector Agencies and Departments, giving tips and techniques on changing the perception of risk management in Government.

David also ran a highly regarded and attended workshop titled ‘From Compliance Management to Compliance Risk Management’ highlighting the linkage between the ISO 31000 Risk Management standard and the ISO 19600 Compliance Management standard. Read related blog post here.

Attendees participated in hands-on exercises to assist them in understanding how to change from tick in the box compliance to legal obligations to understanding and then mitigating the risk events that could cause a breach of the obligations.

Representing Protecht at the GRCI conference were Ian Brooks, Alf Esteban, Luna Restrepo, Rajes Selvanathan and David Tattam, and it was great to see many of our clients in attendance. We were also delighted to be able to make new connections and look forward to continuing our discussions with them. 


The second week of November, Protecht will be represented by David Bergmark and Alf Esteban at the Risk Management Institute of Australia (RMIA) Conference in Adelaide. The RMIA has a long and proud history as a key professional association for risk management practitioners in Australia. The conference being held at the famous Adelaide Oval, has a sporting theme of ‘Kicking Goals in Risk Management’ and Protecht is pleased to be involved with the RMIA at this event where we will be showcasing how Protecht has assisted our Government clients in moving from Excel and Word based risk management systems to Protecht.ERM. We look forward to meeting the RMIA delegates in Adelaide next week!


Attending conferences can be tiring and expensive. However, we believe that supporting our professional and industry associations is critical to both our success, as well as to the success of the risk and compliance professionals we serve.

Without these associations, risk and compliance professionals lose their lobbying voice, lose their certification and accreditation, and lose the ability to network with fellow professionals outside of their organisations and industry sectors.

We urge you to support your professional and industry associations. We do!