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Enterprise risk management masterclass.

Thursday 28 July 2022, 12:00pm-1:00pm AEST

Learn how you can improve your organization's Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) maturity

This practical masterclass session covers the key elements of a strong ERM function and demonstrates how each element should be integrated to form a powerful enterprise approach to risk management. 

You will take away a blueprint for making ERM a success through building your framework to focus on:

    1. The Why - Why do we do ERM and what is the value?
    2. The What - What are we managing: risk and controls?
    3. The How - How should risk management be performed?
    4. The Who - Who is responsible for ERM?


David Tattam

Chief Research and Content Officer, Protecht

Watch the recorded webinar

Key information and topics covered 

  1. Why: The objective and value adds of ERM
  2. What: Understanding risks and controls
  3. How: Understanding the key ERM processes
  4. Who: Understanding the ownership, roles and responsibilities for risk management

This masterclass is appropriate for risk practitioners and anyone responsible for developing and managing the enterprise risk management capability of their organization.

“The key to success in risk management is to shift to a focus on outcome management”

About the presenters

Chief Research and Content Officer, Protecht

David Tattam is the Chief Research & Content Officer and co-founder of the Protecht Group. David's vision is to redefine the way the world thinks about risk and to develop risk management to its rightful place as being a key driver of value creation in each of Protecht's customers.

David is the driving force in taking Protecht's risk thinking to the frontiers of what is possible in risk management and to support the uplift of people risk capability through training and content.