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Protecht.ERM solution demo

Digitize your risk management with Protecht ERM.

On-demand webinar

Learn how to spend less time on spreadsheets and more time gaining actionable risk insights

Join us for this 45 min webinar to find out how you can spend more time gaining insights to support your risk initiatives by streamlining your data collection and automating your risk lifecycle.

In this session, you will learn:

    1. How to manage the full lifecycle of risk management with one solution
    2. How you can improve decision making by showing how your risks are currently managed
    3. How to lift Risk Culture and promote risk as an enabler, not a hindrance
    4. How to show a current picture and health of the organization through real-time risk reporting
    5. How risk management can be integrated and linked to your organization's processes and outcomes


David Bergmark

Chief Executive Officer, Protecht

Terence Lee

Vice President, North America, Protecht

Watch the recorded webinar

Key information and topics covered 

Transforming your risk management from spreadsheets, word documents and emails can lift the visibility of the risks across all levels of your organization from risk owners to boards. Being able to clearly articulate the benefits to all stakeholders in your organization is critical to getting
any new risk digitization project across the line.

Centralize your risk information into one system for ease of access and more real-time reporting

About the presenters

Chief Executive Officer, Protecht

David Bergmark is the Chief Executive Officer and co-founder of the Protecht Group. David’s vision and passion is to use technology to drive best practice risk management and embed risk management within each one of Protecht’s clients.

He is the driving force behind the Protecht ERM system and integrating our thought leadership capabilities into the product to provide a consistent and seamless risk management experience for our customers.

Vice President, North America, Protecht

Terence Lee is Protecht's Vice President, North America. Terry joined Protecht in 2022 to facilitate our growth in North America, bringing extensive experience in governance, risk, compliance, and incident management. Terry has led sales, product, and marketing teams at risk and compliance software vendors, and is a recognized expert in ERM, vendor risk, business continuity, regulatory change management, and resilience.